Tuesday, June 2, 2009

built by wendy

Oh Joy reminded me recently of one of my favorite designers, Built by Wendy. I know what you're thinking, if she's a fav, why would I need reminding? The answer is simple, I do so much window shopping, my favorites often become obscured by the new. And if you know me, I'm a huge window shopper. Time after time I fill my online cart with the exact size and color of choice. Then without fail, I get distracted and abandon my cart. Thinking, I'll go back and buy whatever it was that caught my eye. It's very likely, I'm a website's worst nightmare. I fill my shopping cart only to desert it minutes later because of something else intriguing. Months later I'll remember my finds and realize they are no longer available or it's a brand new season and there are new favorites to be had.

When I'm not window shopping and ready to buy, Built by Wendy is where I go. I happen to have my eye on a couple of summertime somethings, see above and below. Yes, they are still in the online cart, don't laugh. An endless cycle, one not likely to change anytime soon.

As for Wendy and the things she builds, if you're looking to buy, you should know the stuff is made well, in this country, and it has this classically fresh style that I always fall for. You know the one, edgy but not out there. Something I can wear to work, out on the town and likely for years to come, not just a season. Because I'm not really into that kind of abuse. Wallet-wise or when it comes to the enviro. So be sure to check out Wendy, she's got it goin' on.

All photos: Annabel Mehran

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I do the same thing.

    All those outfits would look super cute on you!
