As a designer I'm often looking for something special, something a little more than just a piece that works. Did I mention it also has to have character and be something that no one else will have? Those are the trials and tribulations of some of my hours spent at the office. Often you can find me trolling around on ebay, craigslist or even 1st dibs to find that perfect something. Or better yet, trying to design said something, completely custom and within budget. This is where Fyndes steps in. They carefully curate furniture, accessories, art work and antiques. And it's all at your finger tips. And here are a few of my favorites.
Because these pieces are one of a kind, expect to pay more than something you'll find at west elm, ikea or cb2. One of my tried and true tips in design is don't buy it unless you love it. Otherwise, what's the point of owning something you don't love? If you love it and I'm not talking about lust or that premature crush, I mean love. Then buy it. Or save until you can afford it. Because there's a good chance you'll keep it for a very long time. That's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it.
Because these pieces are one of a kind, expect to pay more than something you'll find at west elm, ikea or cb2. One of my tried and true tips in design is don't buy it unless you love it. Otherwise, what's the point of owning something you don't love? If you love it and I'm not talking about lust or that premature crush, I mean love. Then buy it. Or save until you can afford it. Because there's a good chance you'll keep it for a very long time. That's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it.
You should totally show everyone the coffee table you that's one of a kind...and it's awesome ;0)