In 2006 I met Scott Hasson on a lousy soccer field playing coed. Eventually he joined my team full time and we've been playing soccer together once a week since that summer. It took over a summer of playing together and a few beers after games to find out he's a photographer. And a great one at that.
His quiet and modest nature is passed on through his photography. The work he produces evokes an old world feel. Like the shots were photographed ages ago instead of weeks. Part of that is due to his meticulous attention to detail and hours spent setting up for the perfect shot. All this just to capture every intricacy whether perfect or not.
7 questions - interview with scott hasson
kc: Where are you from?
scott: I'm from Maryland but live in Colorado now.
kc: When did you start photographing?
scott: I always enjoyed taking photos but I never had an official camera until 1998. I decide to go back to school for photography, my first major was Sports Medicine, and got a degree in photography from the Art Institute of Colorado. Over the past 8 years have I made photography my profession.
kc: What are you working on these days?
scott: Currently a trip to the Pacific Northwest is in the works. The series is going to be called water. I would like to go for a month, camp and just shoot. I usually travel alone on these trips so I don't have to worry about other agendas. My time is limited and this way I can focus on what I want to get done.
kc: Digital or film?
scott: Film. Digital is great to an extent. I have a digital point and shoot that I took on my honeymoon so I wouldn't spend the entire trip working. For work I use a large format camera and film. There is something about film that isn't captured through digital.
kc: Any tricks of the trade?
scott: I've been working on light painting. When most photographers are packing up because the light is going down, I'm just getting started. I would say another is patience. I'll wait for hours and hours just to get one perfect shot rather the instant gratification of using digital.
kc: What/who is your inspiration?
kc: Since this blog is a collective, is there anything you collect?
scott: My wife would say I collect anything made out of wood. I would say I collect unique wood stumps with the purpose of making either furniture or just as design elements.